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Geisinger patients and health plan members: Stay informed with security alerts

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Worried about identity theft?

Updated: Sept. 4, 2024

Here are some things you can do: 
  1. Consider freezing your credit

    Freezing your credit is one way to safeguard your financial identity. By doing so, you block new creditors from viewing your credit report, which helps prevent identity thieves from opening accounts in your name. To initiate a freeze, you must reach out to each of the three major credit bureaus individually or use a service like Credit Karma:

    Equifax Credit Freeze
    Experian Credit Freeze
    TransUnion Credit Freeze

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to freezing your credit.

    Freezing your credit doesn’t affect your credit score, nor does it prevent you from getting your free annual credit report. You can lift the freeze temporarily using a PIN if you need to apply for credit or permanently when it suits your needs.

    However, be sure to unfreeze your credit before applying for credit. If you don’t, 1) Your credit application will likely be denied; and 2) Your credit score may be affected by the denial.

  2. Sign up for credit monitoring

    You can subscribe to a service that monitors your accounts and the dark web to protect against identity theft, usually for a fee. If your data is compromised in a breach, the company responsible for the breach will usually offer one of these credit monitoring services for free for a year or longer.
  3. Bear in mind your existing accounts

    Oddly enough, your existing accounts are especially vulnerable to identity thieves if you haven't signed up for online access to them. This is because it's easier for them to create a login and password while pretending to be you than it is for them to crack your existing login and password.
  4. Use strong passwords
    Create strong passwords that are different for every service and change them periodically. Password manager apps offer a simple way to create and keep track of passwords. Some are available for free, while others have a service fee.
  5. Enable multi-factor authentication

    Sign up for two-factor authentication, also known as multi-factor authentication (MFA). It adds another layer of security on top of your login and password. The second factor is usually something sent or linked to your phone, such as a text message. You can also use an authenticator app, which will keep you secure even if your phone number is hijacked by scammers.
  6. Don’t fall for phishing attacks

    Criminals often use significant news events to try to scam you. This can occur by email, phone or text message, and even through the mail. 

    Some schemes may be superficial and easy to spot. Others may be quite sophisticated and elaborate, especially with the increasing use of artificial intelligence. Scammers may pretend to be a healthcare provider, your bank or other financial institution, a collection agency, the police or a court. 

    They’ll usually present an urgent situation or threat to try to get you to divulge information they don’t have and/or take an action, such as click a link in an email or text. 

    Tips: Don’t click links in text messages or emails you weren’t expecting. Don’t use phone numbers or web addresses in an email, text or phone call you weren’t expecting without verifying the information independently. For example, if you get an email saying your account is frozen or overdue with a link to fix the problem, don’t click the link. Instead, log into your account in the normal way.
What is credential harvesting?

Updated: April 10, 2024

Credential harvesting, also called credential stealing or phishing, refers to the deceptive methods cybercriminals use to steal your usernames and passwords (or credentials).

Your usernames and passwords are the gateway to your digital identity. If someone steals them, they'll have access to sensitive information like your online accounts, health data and financial information.
Ways cybercriminals can get your credentials:

  • Phishing: Phishing attacks involve sending deceptive emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate sources. These emails try to trick you into providing your login credentials on fake websites or through other means. Learn how to spot phishing emails.
  • Keylogging: Malicious software or hardware, also known as keyloggers, record your keystrokes. That means they can capture sensitive information like usernames and passwords. You can download one by accident if you click on a link in a malicious/phishing email.
  • Brute force attacks: In brute force attacks, attackers try numerous combinations of usernames and passwords until they discover the correct credentials to access a system or account. This is why it’s crucial to use strong, unique and complex passwords.
  • Person-in-the-middle (PITM) attacks: In PITM attacks, hackers intercept communication between two parties, capturing login credentials exchanged during the authentication process. To prevent this, pay attention to where you’re logging in. Only access secure websites with “https://” addresses (watch for the “s” that indicates it’s secure).
  • Credential stuffing: Attackers use previously compromised credentials to gain unauthorized access to other accounts where users have recycled the same username and password. To protect yourself, don’t use the same username and password for multiple accounts.
Caller ID and your loved one’s voice can be faked

Updated: Sept. 7, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest tool for scammers. They’re using it to fake your voice, or the voice of a loved one.

Scammers use social media, voicemail or even a robocall to capture the audio (they need just 30 seconds or less.) And using AI tools, they clone it. 

Through public social media accounts, criminals can identify a person’s relatives and friends and other vital information. Armed with this information and a cloned voice, they can make it appear that a loved one is in trouble and needs money.

And it doesn’t end with audio. Video clones, known as “deep fakes,” can be made of anyone who has video content of themselves on the internet. Like the fake audio of your voice, these fake videos can be made to appear to say anything.

These tricks, known as social engineering scams, tend to have high success rates and generate quick returns for scammers.

Stay alert. Stay aware. Visit the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for more information about AI scams and report any fraud to the FTC.
Received COVID tests you didn’t order? Don’t pay.

Updated: Aug. 21, 2023

In a scam targeting people who have Medicare, unordered COVID-19 tests — and bills — are arriving on doorsteps around the country. 

In June, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warned about scammers stealing people’s Medicare numbers and billing Medicare for COVID-19-related services (and other things) that they sometimes got — and sometimes didn’t. The difference now? You might be getting the bill instead of Medicare. 

That’s because after May 11, when the COVID-19 Health Emergency officially ended, Medicare and other health insurance plans stopped paying for many at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 tests. Once Medicare denies payment, these scammer companies can come back with a bill in your name.

Here's what to do if you receive one of these bills for unordered COVID-19 tests:

  • Don’t pay it. By law, companies can’t send you things you didn’t order and then demand payment. If you get a bill like this, report it at
  • Check your Medicare Summary Notices (MSN) and Explanations of Benefits (EOB) to see if your account was billed. Statements are available by mail or online at Look for services, products, or equipment Medicare paid for that you didn’t receive. Do the statements show any double charges, or things you or your doctor didn’t ask for?
  • If you suspect Medicare fraud, call your health care provider or Medicare plan and ask for an explanation. If you aren’t satisfied with their response, call your local Senior Medicare Patrol for help filing a report or call Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE.
  • Report Medicare fraud to the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General online or at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477). It helps them track down the scammers and try to stop them.
Scammers offering fake Geisinger jobs using LinkedIn

Updated: April 17, 2023

We’ve learned that scammers are scouring people’s profiles on sites like LinkedIn and Indeed and using that information to offer fake jobs at Geisinger.

This type of scam is common and can affect any company. The goal is usually to collect your private information, such as your social security number, as part of the “job application process.” 

Alternatively, the goal may be to get you to pay some money up front — for example, for work-from-home equipment or supplies that you’ll supposedly be “reimbursed” for — to get the job.

In recent examples we’ve seen, the scammer was offering work as a “remote data entry assistant.” The emails came from a fake email account (ending in “”) but used the names of real Geisinger employees (likely also lifted from LinkedIn). 

The emails also included a .pdf attachment about Geisinger and the alleged job, with a copied Geisinger logo.

Geisinger does advertise jobs on LinkedIn and other job boards, but all job postings will direct candidates to submit formal applications on our website at You can verify a job offer/application by contacting Geisinger Candidate Care Line at 877-564-6447 or

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has resources to help you spot potential job scams. If you run across something sketchy during your job search, report it to the FTC.

To protect yourself, follow these tips:

  • Verify job openings before you apply. Reach out to the company directly using the contact information you know to be legitimate — not an email or phone number you got from the person who contacted you. If you’re not familiar with the company, search its name with the word “scam” or “fraud.” You may find stories from others who have been targeted.
  • Watch for telltale signs of a possible scam. There’s no surefire way to detect a job scam, but there are red flags that should raise your suspicions. Watch for things like email from personal accounts not affiliated with a company, poor spelling and grammar, interviews conducted solely via email or online chat, salaries out of line with industry norms, and requests for account numbers or other personal information.
  • Don’t pay for the promise of a job. Honest employers will never ask you to pay to get a job. And legitimate placement firms and headhunters typically don’t charge prospective employees. Instead, they’re paid by the company looking for qualified candidates. If you’re asked for money, walk away. You could be dealing with a scam. 
Scammers have personal information

Updated: Feb. 8, 2023

It’s easy to be convinced that a caller or emailer is legitimate because they know some of your personal information — like your birth date, phone number, mailing address or medical record number. But all these things and more can be found on the internet using:

  • Search engines
  • Social media profiles
  • Online directories
  • Data brokers
  • Public records
  • Information from security breaches

Be cautious about sharing personal information online and review your privacy settings on social media and other websites to make sure your information is only shared with those you trust.


  • Use strong passwords
  • Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Review your privacy settings regularly
  • Be aware of phishing scams
  • Hang up on anyone who asks for money over the phone
  • Check out the other resources on this page
Genetic testing scam has resurfaced in our area

Updated: March 30, 2022

This scam, which began a few years ago, has many variations and can be directed at patients or providers.

The scam often involves attempted Medicare fraud by calling patients and trying to get their Medicare and other personal information for a “free” genetic screening.

Another variation goes a step further. Fraudsters send unrequested genetic testing kits to your home, claiming you are Medicare-eligible and trying to get your Medicare number and personal information that way. If successful, they could bill Medicare fraudulently and/or use your information to commit identity theft.

In the case of providers, scammers send faxes to providers asking them to sign off specifically on cardiovascular genetic testing in patients’ names.

Do not engage with these unsolicited invitations. If you want or need any genetic testing, go through your known, trusted medical provider.

What you should do

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services advises:

  • If you have a genetic testing kit mailed to you, don't accept it unless it was ordered by your physician. Refuse the delivery or return it to the sender. Keep a record of the sender's name and the date you returned the items.
  • Be suspicious of anyone who offers you "free" genetic testing and then requests your Medicare number. If your personal information is compromised, it may be used in other fraud schemes.
  • A physician that you know and trust should assess your condition and approve any requests for genetic testing.
  • If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, be wary of unsolicited requests for your Medicare number. Don’t give anyone (other than your physician's office) your Medicare information.
  • If you suspect Medicare fraud, contact the HHS OIG Hotline.
  • Another resource is the AARP's free Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 877-908-3360. You don’t have to be a member to use this service.

Updated March 30, 2022

Alert to potential Medicare scam

Updated Feb. 5, 2021

A caller claiming to be from Geisinger has approached some of our patients/members asking about Medicare cards. The caller uses a spoofed Geisinger phone number on the Caller ID (see phone spoofing article below) and asks if the patient/member has received their new Medicare card.

Regardless of the answer, they then ask the patient/member to give them the card’s “start-up date.” If you get a call like this, hang up. The caller is trying to get personal information about you to commit fraud.

You can report suspected fraud or scams involving Geisinger using the form on this page. We’ve also provided resources to help you report all types of fraud to authorities.

Have a question or need assistance?

Fill out the form and a member of our team will be in touch soon:

Watch out for fraudulent calls about knee or back braces

Several Geisinger patients and members have reported receiving fraudulent phone calls offering them knee or back braces.

The fraudulent callers may claim they are Geisinger employees, Medicare employees or brace manufacturers. They try to get the patient or member to sign up for a “free” brace, which they then bill Medicare for in your name.

In some cases, the fraudulent callers mask their telephone number on caller ID with a legitimate Geisinger office phone number to make patients and members think it is Geisinger calling — a practice known as phone spoofing. They may also spoof a legitimate government agency phone number.

The calls are probably related to a scam that was widespread about a year ago and continues to pop up from time to time. 

If you receive one of these calls, hang up. Don’t engage with the caller and don’t give out any personal information. Encourage your family and friends to be alert for any calls that seem suspicious.

You can learn more about phone spoofing here.

Phone spoofing: Geisinger phone numbers being used in caller ID scam

Spammers using falsified phone numbers and caller ID spoofing have been targeting residents in our area.

What is caller ID spoofing? 

Phone spoofing occurs when a caller deliberately makes a phone call on Caller ID look like it’s coming from one number when it’s actually coming from a disguised, unidentified number. This tactic is used by phone scammers to entice people to answer their phones and collect their personal information — and a recent scam involves calling local residents pretending to be representatives of Geisinger.

Scammers have been using what’s called “neighbor spoofing” so it appears the incoming call is coming from a local “570” or “717”  number, a larger, well-known company (such as your banking institute), a government agency (like the Social Security Administration), your healthcare or health insurance provider (like Geisinger), or other agencies you know and trust.

This practice is well known to government agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commission, which issue alerts from time to time. 

Is phone spoofing dangerous?

Phone scammers use spoofing to try to obtain personal information from consumers, such as their date of birth, Social Security number, account numbers, passwords, credit cards or other personal information that can be used to steal their identity and commit fraud. 

If you receive a call from a spoofed phone number claiming to be from Geisinger, it does not mean that our systems have been hacked. 

How to stop phone spoofing?

Unfortunately, because spoofing occurs outside of secure networks (and out of Geisinger’s control), you may not be able to tell right away if the number displayed on your caller ID is a spoofed number — so always be suspicious of unexpected callers.

Scammers can sound kind and convincing, and some can sound threatening.

Here are some tips from the Federal Trade Commission to protect yourself if you receive a call like this:

  • Hang up the phone. Never release your personal or financial information over the phone if you are not certain of the caller’s identity. 
  • Don’t give your personal information out. Ask the caller for their name, department and a phone number where you can call them back. Phony callers are unlikely to have this information, but if they do, do not use any number they give you. Instead, use a number that you already know or look up the contact information for that specific department or office and call them back using that number. You can reach Geisinger's phone directory by calling 800-275-6401.
  • Note the number of the caller. Keep the number for your records, if possible. Even if it is a spoofed phone number, it may help authorities in pursuing the scammers.
  • Submit a complaint to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office.
  • Alert the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You can contact the Office of the Inspector General  at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477) or
  • File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) here or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP.
  • Sign up for scam alerts from the FTC here
  • File a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and learn more about spoofing and Caller ID. 
  • Seek advice on what to do from the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline. You do not have to be a member of AARP to use this service. The helpline can be reached at 1-877-908-3360.
  • Share what you’ve learned with your loved ones and those you know.

If you receive a call from Geisinger that sounds suspicious or you suspect may be fraudulent, hang up. Call the department the caller says they are representing by contacting Geisinger's main phone number at 800-275-6401. You can also call our Information Security Office at 570-271-8119 (Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.).

Keep your identity safe this tax season

Want to make sure you get your tax refund and protect your identity? Here are a few tips for tax season security.

Stay alert for potential scams:

  • Tax identity theft. This happens when someone uses your Social Security number (SSN) to file a fake tax return and collect your refund. Unfortunately, you might not discover it has happened until you try to file your real tax return and the IRS rejects it as a duplicate filing. Guard your SSN carefully and don’t send your SSN electronically unless it’s encrypted. The same goes for your W-2 and other official income and tax forms. They all contain vital personal information that criminals can use to steal your identity — including possibly your tax refund.
  • IRS imposters. If you get a call from someone who claims they’re from the IRS, saying you need to pay owed taxes right then, usually with a gift or prepaid debit card, be on high alert. These imposters might even threaten that you’ll be arrested or face other bad consequences if you don’t pay. The IRS doesn’t operate this way, so just hang up the phone.
  • Tax relief companies. They use the radio, television and the internet to advertise help for taxpayers in distress. If you pay them an upfront fee, which can be thousands of dollars, these companies claim they can reduce or even eliminate your tax debts and stop back-tax collection by applying for legitimate IRS hardship programs. The truth is, most taxpayers don't qualify for these programs, their companies don't settle the tax debt, and in many cases don't even send the necessary paperwork to the IRS. In fact, you may end up without a refund and deeper in debt. Some taxpayers have reported that, after signing up with some of these companies and paying thousands of dollars in upfront fees, the companies took even more of their money by making unauthorized charges to their credit cards or withdrawals from their bank accounts.

How to stay safe:

  • Protect your SSN throughout the year. Don’t give it out unless there’s a good reason and you’re sure who you’re giving it to.
  • File your tax return as early in the tax season as you can.
  • Use a secure internet connection if you file electronically, or mail your tax return directly from the post office.
  • Research a tax preparer thoroughly before you hand over personal information.
  • Check your credit report at least once a year for free at Make sure no one has opened a new account in your name.

Visit the IRS Consumer Alerts page here to learn more about tax scams and what you can do to protect yourself.

Reporting fraud helps everyone — and now it’s easier to do

You can help the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and its partners fight fraud in our community. When you tell the FTC about frauds, scams and other bad business practices, you’re helping the FTC and its law enforcement partners spot and stop scams. To make it easier, the FTC just launched — a new version of the FTC’s consumer reporting website.

By following a few short steps on, your report is instantly available to more than 3,000 federal, state and local law enforcers across the country. After you explain what happened, you’ll receive advice about what you can do next to recover and how to protect yourself in the future.

Want to see how it works?

Watch this “How To” video.

Why report fraud?

Because your report can make a difference. The FTC uses reports like yours to investigate, bring cases to law enforcement and alert people about what frauds to be on the lookout for so they can protect themselves, their friends and family. The FTC also uses reports to share data about what’s happening in your community. You can check out what’s going on in your state or metro area by visiting the FTC here.

Help spread the word.

By encouraging people to tell the FTC about their experience in English at or in Spanish at, you’re helping fight fraud in our community.

Contact our Information Security Office

570-271-8119 (Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Call 570-271-8119

Geisinger will never ask you for your password.

If an unsolicited caller asks for your:

  • Social Security number
  • Mother's maiden name
  • Banking information

Do not give this information out. Instead, call back using a phone number you know or have obtained from a legitimate source.

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